About myself

A photo of me.
- hi_go ( /çiɡo/ )
- Software Engineer
- Living in: Tokyo, Japan
- Accept-Language: ja-JP, en;q=0.8, de;q=0.3
- Interested in: Rust / Information Security / etc.
- GitHub: @h1g0
- Twitter: @_h1g0_
- Mastodon: @h_g@mastodon.social
- Keybase: @h_g
- Mail: me (at) clutte.red
- Note: If required, messages can be encrypted using my PGP public key below!
- PGP Public key: 3ADC FCB3 B1BB 05CD 9BE8 5CDA 379E DAEA CF54 C704 (Updated on 2024-11-25)
- Résumé / CV: Please contact me.
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